A day in my school


 Today I woke up at 6:30am, but usually I wake up at 7:00am. I brushed my teeth and had my shower.  I watered the blossoms in my garden. After eating my breakfast, I went to school. When I entered the class, it was vacant. On the whiteboard, it was written, "Today is assembly at 10:00 am" I ran and went inside the arena and attended the assembly. There were lot of people in the arena. some teachers were communicating themselves and Someone is wearing shabby dress and laughing strangely. she was a   peculiar girl. After assembly, we went back to our class and sat down on our chairs. The Teacher has started the class and was asking the questions about maths. In my class, Sam is very attentive. He always raises his hand. After class, teacher was checking everyone's cupboard if it is tidy or not. I was concerned if teacher scolds me. But she didn't tell anything. After school, I usually go to park and play with my friends. 

Attentive - The student is lisenting and studying so well. He is attentive in the class. 

Blossom - The red blossom is bright and pure red.

Communicate - We had been communicating in our phones for 2 hours.

Distress - My friend was in distress today.

Meadow -  In the meadow, the tall grasses and blossoms are flying in the air. 

Peculiar - The girl is wearing shabby dress and laughing strongly. She is the most peculiar girl I have ever seen.

Recognize - When I met the strange woman, at first I didn't know her. But when I saw her necklace, I recognized her. She is my best friend. I met her after 4years.

Shabby - She wore a shabby pair of shoes.

Tidy - My grandmother's kitchen is so clean and tidy.

Vacant - We went to venture the haunted house. When I opened the door, it was vacant and dark inside.
