Road trip

 Ajar - The entrance door is ajar.

Annihilate - 

Avert - I immediately avert my eyes. There was a ghost in my back.

Canine - I like mini Pomeranian canine.

Citrus - I like to drink citrus beverages.

Figment - I ove to read figment story books.

Fruitless - The project we made was fruitless.

Incident - After an incident, we lost our house.

Infamous - The criminal is became an infamous.

Pending - I have to complete my pending homework today.

Poised - My friend looked poised when she was writing an exam.

Prior - In the prior, there was not umbrella over here.

Radiant - The sun is radiant in yellow.

Saga - I read saga of famous writer.

Uncertainty - I was uncertainty whether I should go left path or right path.
